How to Stain Concrete - The Basics
Be safe - Always use appropriate safety gear such as goggles, gloves and appropriate clothing when handling concrete stains.
Prepare - Clean the object you would like to stain thoroughly, gather paint brushes/sponges or whatever you are using to apply the stain and protect the surrounding surfaces.
Test - Try out the patina on a test area to see how it will turn out as it will vary on different surfaces.
Apply - We recommend using a sprayer to apply to eliminate brush strokes or uneven application.
Neutralize - Once your object is dry, rinse any residue off with a water/baking soda mixture or a water/ammonia mixture to prepare for the seal process.
Seal - Seal the surface completely with a Triple-S sealer (WSL-45, AL-70, UT-70/30 or UT-9500). Make sure to use our sealer with it so as not to cause compatibility issues.
Read the full guide here: TRIPLE-S CONCRETE (ACID) STAINS Comprehensive Technical Review
How to Apply Concrete Stain Products
For Old Concrete Staining:
Make sure that your old concrete isn’t contaminated with glue, paint, oil, grease, sealers, waxes or anything that could prevent stain from soaking into the concrete’s pores. Regardless whether it is contaminated or not, you will need to strip it to be sure it is properly prepped for the stain.
Choose a small area to test your concrete to make sure the stain will take properly. If the stain takes well, proceed. If it does not, you may need a more heavy-duty stain.
Once you have done the test and are sure your concrete is ready for the stain, follow the directions outlined to the right for new concrete staining.
For New Concrete Staining:
Make sure the concrete is free from all contaminants by stripping any curing agents or waxes, removing any paints or glues, and ensuring there is no grease or oil. Make sure you do a good scrub down using Trisodium phosphate and water.
Spray on the stain with an all plastic pump up sprayer, being sure to completely cover and saturate the concrete well. Only apply a second coat, if necessary, once the first coat is completely dry which could take up to 24 hours.
The longer the stain sits before rinsing it after the drying process, the darker and richer the color becomes.
Once it is dry, you need to neutralize the concrete acid stain by carefully rinsing it with clean water and either baking soda, T.S.P. or ammonia, be sure to remove the residue left behind by the process. Once complete, do a final rinse-down with just clean water.
Concrete Staining Techniques
Dilute or Strengthen the Concrete Staining Solution - The easiest way to alter the final product of a concrete stain is to strengthen or dilute the stain solution. Adding different liquids to the stain solution will produce a variety of colors and shades in the final stain, so a certain degree of trial and error may be necessary. Let us know if you need any advice!
Apply a Coloring Agent after Using the Concrete Stain - Once the concrete stain has been applied to the concrete and before you add sealant, you can add an additional coloring agent such as a soap or fertilizer. You can also add leaves or plant parts to alter the color of the stain; they can also create interesting patterns and effects. Be sure to try a test surface first before applying it to the surface. Get creative when applying the agent - try a pattern or design on your surface; take your time to make it right.
Use Different Objects to Apply the Concrete Stain - Instead of covering the entire surface in the stain, maybe try using a cloth, sponge, or other object to apply the concrete staining solution to achieve a different look. Get in tune with your inner artist to give it a unique touch and detailing. If you have the time, patience and motivation, this effect can be very visually rewarding and will be a conversation piece for years to come!